2002 Manchester Commonwealth Games Collection
Collection of Posters from Sankeys Soap Nightclub

GM Archive / Professor Michael Wilson collection relating to genetically modified foods, crops, research and industry

Big Issue in the North Digital Access Card
PhD thesis in the history of science entitled 'Un modello algoritmico: l'Analytical Engine di Charles Babbage'
Archives relating to Cosgrove Hall Films and the Series 'Bill and Ben'
Collection of Newspapers Printed by Trafford Park Printers
Publications from Shirley Developments Limited
Sir Patrick Moore's Moon Map
Monsanto annual report 1997
Granada Television Scripts for Coronation Street
Alcock and Brown commemorative material
CERN press release about the discovery of the Higgs Boson.
British windmills: a bibliographic guide
Evode Group Pension Trust Ltd. statutory accounts
Archaeological Archive for Piccadilly Place, Manchester
Records of Railtrack Private Shareholders Action Group
"Food for thought"